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Fly Spray Products

Fly Spray products 

Here is a range of fly sprays on the market in the US. These are ranked in order of their positive review count. You are more than welcome to leave comments below to let us know what your favorite products are for keeping the flies at bay…

UltraShield EX Fly Spray


Favorite Features: 

OutSmart® Fly Spray

Favorite Features:

Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray

Favorite Features: 


Pyranha Wipe N' Spray

Favorite Features:


Mosquito Halt

Favorite Features: 


Tri Tec 14 Fly Spray


Favorite Features: 


Equiderma™ Neem & Aloe Herbal Fly Insect Repellent Spray

Favorite Features:


Flysect® Super-7™

Favorite Features: 


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