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Southern Cross Ranch

Recently a friend at my barn told me about a great dude ranch he and his family visited.  Now I know there are many great dude ranches out there but this sounded unusual.

As you may already know, riding in south Florida has its problems.  If its not in the 90’s then it’s raining. And this is not just rain, but rain with a lot of lightning, not what you want to be in.

I was intrigued. My husband had not ridden in 30 or more years but he was willing to try.  

Southern Cross Ranch is a short ride from Madison, Georgia.  It is a family run ranch and I can’t say enough about the true southern hospitality. The house looks like something out of Gone with the Wind, and the grounds are beautiful with pastures and horses everywhere.

You can park your car and never leave the premises.  Your given 3 meals a day including desserts, plus unlimited drinks and snacks all day. But the main focus are the horses.

There was not one, in the week we were there, that gave anyone a problem. They are tried and true trail mounts. They provide 2 rides a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon and the trails are through beautiful cool woods. We navigated streams and small hills.  We were even able to canter in certain areas.

You are provided with a trail boss but if you prefer you can go it alone once they are assured you are competent. If you prefer your own saddle you are more than welcome to bring it.  You can also bring your own mount and for 20.00 a day board they will provide feed and hay. We met and rode with people from all over the US and Europe as far away as Switzerland.
ReviewsGeneral Equestrian
Mary Abraham
Published on 16-09-2019
My name is Mary Abraham. I will be 80 yrs old this Nov. I have been riding since I was in my 30’s . That was the first time I could afford a horse. I belong to the “Caloosa Saddle Club in North Ft. Myers, Fl. We have about 50 members give or take. We meet once a month starting in Sept. and ending in May. We have speakers ranging from vets to saddle fitters, with many speakers in between. We are primarily trail riders. We have 6 local parks and we have been instrumental in securing these. We are always working with local 20/20 organizations to promote a good relationship with public land and the local equestrian community.